Almost a year ago Lois was kind enough to write about me on her blog. The title and link is Have you met Melissa? I felt honored that she had taken the time in her busy life to do this. Especially seeing her beautiful designs!
Now it's time to honor her! This past year I have followed Lois and her incredible drive from designing, running a store to publishing magazines. Let me just tell you a little bit about it all. This only touches the surface, I'm sure. She creates some of the most beautiful jewelry including flawless wire wrapping. I have included a picture of her design here of a beautiful pearl bracelet incorporating a very hard pattern of chain maille (I struggle with chain maille horribly). She runs a supply store that has pretty much everything you need including gorgeous gemstones, copper findings, pearls and so much more on her website at A Beaded Affair and at her Etsy store . You will love her products. In addition to this, she has created a group called Copper Wire Jewelers where designers meet, talk and discuss techniques, offer tutorials, showcase their designs and have the opportunity to submit their designs to an online publication of Copper Wire Jewelers Magazine. This is her 4th publication!
Lois is doing all of these things while dealing with the pain of recovering from recent back surgery. I just can't imagine how she does it. I personally want to thank you, Lois! You're amazing and you deserve many rewards for all you do.